HI there, Connie here. Welcome to The Kataluma Adventure at Connie’s House!
In 2007, I discovered the world of web development, and I immediately discovered that I had a knack for technology. I have always loved to teach, so I was thrilled to discover that I could build and share my own content on the web.
I began to learn about hosting and building personal websites, blogs, graphic design, and engaging in communities who shared similar interests.
My initial content included Bible stories, craft tutorials, and advocacy for mental health care. Those topics are important to me because of my own life story, so the goal for my storytelling was to “muster the troops,” and my objective was to enlist the aid of others who would help with my dream to build solutions for those who are homeless.
The trouble is, I was still in the emotionally volatile throes of my own trauma recovery process, so the troops weren’t mustering because they didn’t know which way I wanted them to muster!!
It has been 17 years since I built my first blog, and I have spent much time in learning to master the technology that allows me to create a storyline that is easy to follow and makes sense from an organizational standpoint.
What I didn’t realize, is that while I was learning web development, I was also learning and experiencing the emotional healing that was the most important aspect of the work I was doing!!
The Kataluma Adventure is the portion of my internal world that teaches the process of building and hosting personal websites. Little did I know is that our websites are truly a reflection of our inner worlds, so the foundation they are built on is crucial for garnering the traffic and engagement that generates the outcomes we hope for.
The telling of my own story has been the pathway to the emotional healing I needed, so it is my hope that the details of my recovery will provide hope and comfort for others who are engaged in the discovery and recovery process of your own story.
Time alone does not heal all wounds, but time requires insight, knowledge, and full commitment to a predefined recovery process. In other words, an effective treatment plan!
I wasn’t aware of that fact when I was hospitalized with the psychiatric 911 that would introduce me to the tools and information I needed to heal from the unresolved trauma of my childhood.
It has taken time and a lot of hard work, but Jesus was the one who initiated that process for me, and now we are here to show you how He did what He said He would do.
“Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things which you know not.” Jeremiah 33:3
“The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they might have life, and life more abundantly.” John 10:10
As you can imagine, there is a LOT we need to discuss when it comes to the issues of trauma recovery and emotional healing, so thank you for taking the time to read this chapter of our story!
I have often said that “the solution for homelessness is to fix one, then multiply.”
My greatest desire is to multiply the love and peace that walking and talking with Jesus has instilled in my heart and mind concerning the issues of identity, purpose, and self-worth.
I look forward to sharing the stories of some of our conversations with you!! Stories like these take time to process, so I invite you to join me often for coffee, crafting, and conversation about the healing journey that is on our national, collective horizon. (November, 2024)
Thank you for your interest in ACEs recovery and trauma-informed friendship at Connie’s House. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
With much love and many prayers for ALL of us,